
Best microphone for dragon naturallyspeaking 12
Best microphone for dragon naturallyspeaking 12


noise canceling), or which is difficult to positioned properly, you probably will degrade recognition accuracy, and generally impact negatively on the overall performance of speech recognition software. A few extra dollars well spent, IMO.If you use a microphone that is of lesser quality, not specifically designed for use with speech recognition, is not suitable for your dictating environment (non-noise canceling vs. But a USB headset (or USB adapter) makes for a better audio connection and input, and does result in even greater accuracy. the included "Free" headset (analog connection), is OK.


DUH!! And YES it DOES work well with Windows 8. That in itself proves it's not the product, it's the user.

best microphone for dragon naturallyspeaking 12

It never ceases to amaze me how some of these buyers, can have so many issues and complaints (and they always are quick to blame the product), and others have absolutely none. then no, it will not work so well for you, but you have no one but yourself to blame then. IF you hurry through everything, skip training steps. But as the one reviewer said, you have to follow the steps, the directions, and take the time to set-up the program correctly in order to get good results. More accurate, and now many more features than before. I have used previous versions of Dragon NS in the past, and this new 12 is the best yet. Great product, WORKS better than expected.


You can become up and running so quickly, you might overlook some of the most valuable capacities of the software I would encourage you to take the time and explore the menu’s to get the full value. Like Photoshop the more you explore it the more capacities you learn about and can use.

best microphone for dragon naturallyspeaking 12

I used Dragon to dictate this feedback and I have to say it works great and I’ve only been using it for less than a week I was up and running and probably 2530 minutes and I continue to grow you know you can its sole comprehensive there so many aspects of this, that is like Photoshop for your voice just going. You get a lot of value for your investment. I find it hard to believe that they can sell it for such a low price. The configuration time is minimal and very comprehensive. The technology has been a long time coming and Dragon is by far the most usable and easy application I have ever used. If you have some physical challenge that affects your computer interface this is for you. This is for anyone who suffers from spelling issues or if you type slowly this will liberate you. This is a small investment for the huge benefits of dictation and voice control of your machine. If you change your gear, use of recording device for dictation or microphone etc. Each person that uses a must configure a profile for their voice and equipment used. I say this because this technology is highly configurable by necessity.

best microphone for dragon naturallyspeaking 12

This works, if you take the time to follow the directions. You do need to train the software when first setting it up, but afterwards the program continues learning from you while you work to further improve its accuracy. This 12th version of the Dragon software is very fast, accurate, and intuitive. It can also be used in Gmail or Hotmail with a wider range of available commands for these services.

best microphone for dragon naturallyspeaking 12

This speech-to-text software listens to what you say and converts it into text in several kinds of programs, including MS Word, Textpad, and even web browsers. When you are faced with putting lots of words down on paper, Dragon Naturally Speaking Version 12.0 from Nuance is a lifesaver.

Best microphone for dragon naturallyspeaking 12